About White-Tailed Spiders

White-tailed spiders are quite unique in appearance. With a cylindrical body shape and the trademark white or grey spots on the abdomen, they can be recognized by even the most novice of observers. While they may not be everyone’s favourite house guest, they definitely have their purpose.

These active hunters help to keep other, less desirable spider populations in check. On hot summer nights, it’s not uncommon to see white-tailed spiders roaming around our houses searching for their eight-legged prey.

White-tailed spiders have a cigar-shaped body that is dark red to grey in colour and banded dark orange-brown legs. Their abdomen has two pairs of faint white spots with a white spot at the tip. Male white-tailed spiders have a hard, narrow plate on the abdomen front. Female spiders grow up to 18mm in length, while males grow to 12mm only.

These spiders can be found across Southern Australia. Since they are vagrant hunters, people often spot them on barks and rocks, leaf litter, logs, garden areas and homes. It is common for them to hide in bedding or clothing left on the floor.

How Dangerous are White-Tailed Spiders?

A bite by these spiders may cause burning pain, swelling, and itchiness in the affected area. In rare cases, people experience necrotising arachnidism, a medical condition that leads to weals, blistering or local ulceration.

White-Tailed Spider Bite

White-tailed spiders are reluctant to bite. They do not attack humans until they’re provoked or threatened. If you get bitten by them, you will experience something like a bee sting. There may be a burning sensation in the bite area, mild swelling and itching, and a red mark.

In rare cases, the person may experience nausea or headaches. Most symptoms will subside in a day, but in some cases, there may be a lesion in the spot for up to 12 days.

Reacting to a White-Tailed Spider Bite

If a white-tailed spider has bitten you, you must immediately clean the affected area with a disinfectant. It is then essential to apply a cold pack to the bitten area. Next, you may take a mild over-the-counter pain reliever to minimise the pain and inflammation. The next step is to seek medical assistance to avoid further pain or discomfort.

Avoid Being Bitten by White-Tailed Spider

Although white-tailed spiders aren’t considered too dangerous, it is recommended to be cautious. You must check your bedding occasionally to confirm their presence and shake out any clothing you left on the floor before putting it on. Also, it is recommended to always keep your home clean and clear of spider webs as they may attract this species to your property.

Contact Us Today

When it comes to spider infestations, it’s important to get help quickly. That’s why we are the perfect choice if you want affordable and comprehensive spider removal services.

Our team of experts offers a wide range of solutions for any kind of infestation and use the most advanced methods to guarantee that all spiders are safely and effectively removed from your premises.

But not only will we eliminate white-tailed spiders from your property, but also provide preventive measures to keep future spider populations at bay. So don’t hesitate, to reach out to Tom’s Pest Control Melbourne today and learn more about our pricing and available services.


What Do White-Tailed Spiders Eat?

These spiders love to eat other spiders like curtain-web spiders, daddy-long-legs spiders, redback spiders and black house spiders. They are often seen in and around homes where they quickly find a cosy shelter and plenty of black house spiders to eat.

Are they dangerous?

White-tailed spiders are considered to have mild venom, which may cause minor skin irritation or a mild burning sensation. Therefore, they are not considered dangerous; however, it is best to seek medical help if bitten. 

Do White-Tailed Spider Build Webs?

White-tailed spiders do not build webs, as they are constantly searching for their prey. These creatures like to run from one place to another, leaving their hiding place at night to search for other spiders.

Since they are fond of web-building spiders like redbacks and black house, they keep wandering in various corners of your homes to find them. Once they leave a hiding place, they do not return to it. When these pests want to breed, their females build a temporary silk retreat to lay their egg sacs. This retreat can hold up to 90 eggs in one go.