Fox Control Services In Melbourne
Are you worried that your livestock and pets may become prey to foxes and want some fox trapping services in Melbourne?
We welcome you to Tom’s Pest Control.
As our certified pest specialists have several years of experience, we are your destination for comprehensive fox removal services in Melbourne for homeowners as well as businesses.
Foxes are one of the most serious pest animals in Australia that cause significant economic impact – more than $227.5 million per annum. In Victoria, red foxes were declared as pest animals in 1994.
Tom’s Pest Control offers comprehensive fox control services that ensure optimal protection for you, your family members, pets, and crops.
Why Fox Control Is Important
Tom’s Pest Control’s Method Of Fox Removal
Additionally, we will also evaluate the safety measures of your property that can safeguard your animals and crops from being attacked by red foxes.
Treatment Plan
Before starting with the treatment, we will explain the treatment plan to you and ensure that you are getting a transparent and fully informed service.
The Extermination
Since foxes reproduce at a greater pace, a single way of extermination may not help us to control the fox population in a significant way. Therefore, we choose to mix the above-mentioned procedures to provide you with the best results.
Ongoing Prevention
However, with some general property hygienic measures, you can limit the risks of fox infestation at your property. Animal carcasses, food scraps, or pet food should be kept outside as those can encourage foxes to enter your property.
If you breed rabbits at your property, enclose them properly in cages or control their numbers as rabbits are a major part of the diet of foxes. Also, keep your surroundings clean and clear the bushes regularly to limit the hiding places for foxes.
What Makes Tom’s Pest Control’s Services Different?

What is fox pest control?
While you, your family, or your pets are not at risk from foxes, they may carry several diseases you would not want to have around. In addition, foxes are a significant problem for farmers, particularly on poultry farms. They also may harm small animals or pets and are deadly as well.
It may be wise to seek out expert fox pest control services to assist you in dealing with your fox problem if you have followed all the measures and are still seeking ways to prevent foxes.
Lethal baiting, shooting, trapping, fumigating fox dens, and erecting exclusion fences are the most frequently employed fox management methods. Other methods, including the deployment of guard animals, have received recent attention but have not yet received a thorough evaluation in Australia.
Why is fox control important?
Foxes are a pest under the Biosecurity and Agricultural Management Act of 2007 in Western Australia (the Act). Therefore, their spread and population must be reduced throughout the state to lessen the negative effects.
In Victoria, red foxes may be seen almost everywhere. Because of this, it is preferable to manage foxes by utilising various control methods, operating over a landscape, and incorporating the entire community rather than just individual homes.
When you engage a Fox capturing business, they provide you with a range of options for services or advise you on the most effective strategy for getting rid of the bothersome dog. Our team of trained professionals has expertise in trapping foxes. The captured animal shall be handled humanely in line with the legislation of the state or territory.
How can I tell if I have fox problems?
It is required to prove that the fox is the primary reason for the loss to gauge the amount of fox predation. In addition, it’s crucial to rule out the possibility of other predators like feral cats, wild dogs/dingoes, or feral pigs being present.
Since foxes hunt mostly at night, it is rare to observe them murdering directly; instead, you must rely on other indications of fox participation. For example, the presence of a fox may be determined by its paw prints, which can be recognised from those of dogs or other predators since the pads of a fox can be separated in a straight line.
If there are any, deceased animal carcasses should be examined to ascertain the cause of death and if predation occurred.
What is included in our fox trapping service?
Foxes are trapped in semi-rural and urban/residential regions where poison baiting is inappropriate and other methods cannot be employed. Trapping may be helpful for the management of obtrusive animals. However, it is ineffective for the management of foxes in general.
Cage traps are preferable over leg-hold traps in urban/residential environments because fewer injuries are inflicted, non-target animals may be released without injury, and caught foxes can be taken somewhere for extermination.
Tom’s Pest Control Melbourne offers Fox control services for residential and commercial sites around Sydney. Our four-step process is designed to prevent or, at the very least, reduce the risk of foxes entering your property.
What is attracting foxes to my property?
They are attracted to rubbish, pet food, bird seed, and other food waste that is left in people’s yards, including fallen fruit. Foxes may look for shelter and make dens in areas beneath patios, sheds, and decks, as well as in brush heaps, wood piles, or construction waste.
Foxes often avoid human contact and are distrustful of people. As a result, numerous germs and parasites that can spread to humans are carried by foxes. Others can be transmitted by your pets and passed on to you, while many are transmitted through excrement. Echinoccocus multilocularis, a canid tapeworm, is one new illness.
Our trained fox removal specialists will visit your property and search the area for potential fox hiding places. We’ll determine the kind of prey the foxes in your region could be seeking.
What's the best way to get rid of foxes without killing them?
Consider cooking the garlic and chilli pepper in water, then blending the mixture. Spray this combination anywhere in your garden that you don’t want foxes to enter. It’s a terrific, safe approach to get rid of foxes without killing them in the garden because it is a natural repellent.
Another method is to install an automatic water pistol. These tools have been shown to frighten foxes away from your yard. You will need strong water pressure from the mains when you connect these systems to your hosepipe. Since the motion sensor is battery-powered, it may run day or night.
Our fox eradication efforts will be of great assistance if you find it difficult to deal with the dense fox population in your neighbourhood.