Beetle Pest Control Services In Melbourne
Welcome to Tom’s Pest Control – the number one destination for all-round beetle pest control services in Melbourne.
At Tom’s Pest Control Melbourne, we provide pest extermination services for various species, including outdoor and indoor beetles. Through our services, we create a healthy, safe environment for you, your family members, pets, and plants.
Beetle Species In Melbourne
For instance, Melbourne has a significant population of elm leaf beetles, or pyrrhalta luteola, due to the high number of elm trees in the region. In addition to damaging your trees, these bugs can also cause damage to your building and personal products.
Why Is Beetle Treatment Necessary?

Our Treatment Procedure
Beetle Pest Control Inspection
The inspection will also document the reasons for the beetle infestation and the damage caused by it.
Beetle Treatment Plan
In many cases, properties are infected by different species of beetles and need an all-inclusive treatment plan.
Treatment And Eradication
When the treatment is taking place, especially inside interior spaces, you will be advised not to enter the property. In some cases, we may make a second visit to your property and apply the insecticide again to ensure the full effect of the beetle treatment services.
Future Prevention Tips
Besides these tips, regularly vacuuming and washing your clothes can reduce the likelihood of infestation and help you to manage the beetle population around you.
Tom’s Pest Control Experience
Some of the characteristics of our business that make our beetle pest control services the right choice for you are the following:

How do I recognise a carpet beetle?
The furniture carpet beetle’s colour and patterns vary. However, it often has a mottled look because of the black patches that straddle the white and dark yellow to orange scales on its wing covers. The adults may seem completely black if these scales have lost their sheen. They have white undersides.
An adult black carpet beetle’s length is between 1/8 and 3/16 inches. They have dark brown legs and lustrous black and brown coats. Larvae can grow up to 5/16 inches long and range in colour from pale brown to nearly black at total growth.
Anthrenus verbasci is an adult carpet beetle with a black wing cover. Also, it is approximately 1/10 inch long and covered in an erratic pattern of white, brown, and dark yellow scales. In later individuals, the pattern-forming scales fall off, making the beetles appear solidly brown or black.
Will the beetles go away in winter?
Many beetles can survive the winter inside our homes since they are very adaptive insects. That implies that some insects survive the transition to colder weather. The insect analogue of hibernation is termed diapause, which some individuals instead enter.
Beetles can go into diapause in the egg, nymph, and adult phases of their development. Most commonly, adult beetles find shelter in our houses throughout the winter. And yet more are introduced by firewood and other materials still in the larval stage.
Some beetles are year-round, like rice weevils and carpet beetles, but others find a new home when temperatures are colder and dry at the end of the year.
How do I keep an infestation at bay?
Mint oil and the plants that contain it are excellent natural pest repellents. To keep beetles out of your living space, mix 10-15 drops of pure peppermint oil into 8 ounces of water. Shake the mixture and spray it around your doorways, vents, and windows.
Neem oil is widely used as a natural insect repellent since it kills more than 200 types of insects while being perfectly safe for children, pets, and animals. Neem oil may be applied directly to indoor plants to help manage house beetles or along the seams of your windows and entrances to deter bugs from entering as a natural beetle repellent.
Also, sticky traps for insects that crawl can work well. Buy a couple of these traps from your neighbourhood hardware shop and set them up anywhere you have seen beetle activity for optimal results.
Should I be worried about carpet beetles?
Carpet beetles should be a worry since they may cause severe damage to carpets, garments, grain storage, bed linens, curtains, and various natural materials, including furniture covers.
Also, homes, warehouses, and other structures are infested with carpet beetles, which are invasive. If you have an infestation, you may see them swarming on windowsills, see destroyed clothes or carpets, or locate the larvae’s pale brown, shell-like skin casts.
It might be challenging to remove carpet beetles but vacuuming your carpets and furniture will help. Tom’s Pest Control Melbourne can assist if you want to remove carpet beetles and avoid them. We don’t only concentrate on fixing your present insect issues; we’ll also help you stop them from happening again.
How can I get rid of carpet beetles permanently?
Carpet beetles should be a worry since they may cause severe damage to carpets, garments, grain storage, bed linens, curtains, and various natural materials, including furniture covers.
Also, homes, warehouses, and other structures are infested with carpet beetles, which are invasive. If you have an infestation, you may see them swarming on windowsills, see destroyed clothes or carpets, or locate the larvae’s pale brown, shell-like skin casts.
It might be challenging to remove carpet beetles but vacuuming your carpets and furniture will help. Tom’s Pest Control Melbourne can assist if you want to remove carpet beetles and avoid them. We don’t only concentrate on fixing your present insect issues; we’ll also help you stop them from happening again.
How much does beetle pest control cost?
The price of pest treatment might vary depending on several variables, including your region. For a typical task, pest control specialists in Australia may bill an average cost of around $52 per hour. However, depending on the State, you may anticipate making between $35 and $65 per hour.
The kind of pest, size of the property, type of treatment, frequency of treatment, and other factors all significantly impact the price of pest management.
Find nearby service providers and get free quotations for precise pest control cost estimates. Asking for recommendations and reading online reviews will help you research the background of a pest control specialist before hiring them to supply you with home pest control services.
Does the beetle die in the laundry machine?
Regular laundry and dry cleaning of non-washing machine-cleanable items will eliminate carpet beetles and remove oils and stains. Use vinegar to get rid of carpet beetles from the laundry machine. Mix water and apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle to treat contaminated clothing, carpets, and upholstered furniture.
If you see carpet beetles crawling around your clothing in your closet, wash the items in vinegar and water to destroy any larvae or eggs that may still be there. Then, you can find the beetle nest. Wool garments or blankets kept in closets, attics, or basements are also commonly contaminated.
Other than laundry machines, look beneath carpets and along carpet edges, under seldom moved furniture, in floor gaps, registers, and ducts, as well as anywhere else lint, particularly a dog or cat hair, likes to collect.
My pantry is infested with beetles! Can you help?
Likely, the flying and crawling insects you see in your kitchen or pantry are pantry beetles. Even though your pantry appears spotless, these insects may still be there. In addition, these pests in the pantry lay very minute eggs, which makes it challenging to find them.
If you only see one adult or larva, there could be more. Although several species of pantry beetles resemble one another in appearance and feeding, they differ in habitats and behaviours. Therefore, before doing anything, you should be able to identify them accurately.
Through frequent inspection, routine cleanliness, and appropriate storage, pantry beetles can be prevented. However, these bugs in your pantry will return as long as there is dry food in your home.
How do you treat carpet beetles?
It might be time to bring in a professional from Tom’s Pest Control Melbourne if you have tried all the DIY suggestions and your carpet beetle infestation persists. Unfortunately, it may be necessary to hire a pest control specialist to complete the task because the carpet beetle is a tough creature, especially the eggs.
Since many individuals appear to have this issue, permanently removing carpet beetles is a hot topic. However, a solution needn’t be difficult to discover. For example, suppose you have followed the instructions like regular cleaning, washing fabrics, and much more. In that case, you should be able to free your flooring and other fabric surfaces from the creepy crawly carpet beetle.
In short, you can get rid of carpet beetles if you take the time to educate yourself about them. Next, maintain order in your environment and pick an insecticide that will work for you. Finally, pay attention to the situation’s aftermath and, if required, call our beetle control experts.
What causes carpet beetle problems?
Poor housekeeping is frequently the root of carpet beetles. Because they locate nourishment for their larvae in your home, carpet beetles become a problem. All animal items, including skins, silk, wool, and hair, are fed to their larvae.
They typically discover such materials due to subpar cleaning, discoloured carpets, or improper handling of animal-based products.
A home may get infested with carpet beetles in several ways, including through open windows, furniture and flowers, shoes, and clothing that have spent some time in an infected area. In addition, they are simple to break into homes, so for a while, you won’t even realise that you have new “neighbours.”
However, removing them might be exceedingly challenging at times. Even expert help could be necessary for more complex situations.
Can carpet beetles spread from house to house?
When an object is brought inside that is already infested, such as furniture, a plant, or on fur, carpet beetles can enter the house and, yes, spread from house to house through an open door or window or on that object’s surface. The taxonomy industry is another well-liked breeding ground for carpet beetles.
It might be a clue that larvae have been laid someplace if you see adult carpet beetles within your home. Due to their attraction to light, adult carpet beetles are frequently seen around windows and light fixtures.
Many households are compelled to buy synthetic-material-made carpets and apparel. Since carpet beetles only consume natural fibres and not synthetic fibres, this is the only way to prevent them from harming these things. Else, hire our experts to eliminate beetle infestation.